Negasi Gardens & Agriculture Experience is a 501c3 non-profit organization that is focused on providing the highest quality of fresh food. Our goal is to help create better food accessibility within our community. This goal is being met by first growing the food, hosting classes on learning how to grow and lastly making sure the locally grown food is distributed within our local community. This is done on both our urban and rural sites.

The old saying, “You are what you eat.” is why we believe that communal change cannot happen without agriculture, or without nature.

Join us, as we EXPERIENCE our AGRI/culture!

“It’s more than just growing a tomato. It’s the art and science of cultivation. The tillage of both the earth’s soil and people. The passing on knowledge to succeeding generations.” That’s our agri/culture!

We want to thank our partners and supporters that have helped us this year:

United Way, Ball Foundation, Purdue Extension, Concrete Rose, Wesler Farm, Muncie Food Hub

And to all the many individuals that have helped!

For more information about us, email at

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